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A Short Tale of the MineSweeper Kind!
By 'Bahamut'.

Chapter 1: A face-off with evil!

Lee Yoshi slowly leaned back in his chair, he knew it was time, time to go back to playing minesweeper, these may not seem like a big deal, but for Lee yoshi, it was more then a game, it was life...

Lee turned on his cheap computer, took a deep breath, and once his poor excuse piece of shit computer had loaded, he moved his mouse to start, programs, games... he hesitated for a moment when he saw the dreaded mine of death symbol next to where it said 'minesweeper', for he knew, if he clicked on one of these, life would be over.... Finally Lee clicked the icon, and a small, seemingly harmless box of 64 squares appeared in front of him, he was very familiar with this petrifying site, it was the minesweeper playing board... the smiley face gave him a mocking grin as he stared deeply into its pixel eyes. Lee was terrified of this face, it haunted his sleep, and it haunted him every waking moment, if he clicked a mine, the face would stare at him with x's for eyes, a pathetic look upon its face, as if to say 'Why did you do this to this to me Lee? WHY?!', (the voice would echo inside his head until he went mad from guilt and ended up in a loony bin...). Lee didn't want to continue, but he knew he had to, he had to beat the minesweeper record of 23 seconds or the face would haunt him forever...

Chapter 2: Mineaggedon(I know its not funny)

"This is it", Lee mumbled to himself. He had 22 seconds to identify where all 10 mines where on the 64 square grid. "I can do this", Lee insisted to himself but his voice lacked conviction. HE sat forward in his chair, sweat pouring from his head, his arms were shaking, it took him a few minutes to regain his composure, now he was ready, this was the final showdown with the ultimate evil...

Lee knew that once he had clicked a first box, he would have to play quickly and efficiently until either he won... or the smiley face had perished. He decided there was no more time to waste. Lee clicked on the top left box of the grid, he was praying for a large amount of the grid to be revealed, he wasn't so fortunate though.. a green '2' appeared on the box he had clicked, "shit", Muttered Lee, but there was no time to contemplate previous moves, he immediately clicked on the top right hand box, his heart skipped a beat, then it happened....

A Short Tale of the MineSweeper Kind
Part 2

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